
With the recent rain we’ve had in the Cape, Its important to keep on top of mosquito control in and around your home.

Avoid mosquito bites

Protect yourself against mosquito bites. Not only are they irritating, mozzie bites can also spread disease.

  • Install or repair insect screens on all doors and windows, especially in sleeping areas.
  • Use insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin, to protect against mosquito bites.
  • Read and follow all directions and precautions on the mosquito repellent product label, especially for infants.
  • Wear long, loose clothing to help protect yourself from bites (light coloured clothes are best).
  • Use a plug-in insecticide vaporiser (indoors) or mosquito coils (outdoors).
  • Use a mosquito net when camping.

Protect your home

You can reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by:

  • Removing potential mosquito breeding sites. Some mosquitoes lay eggs in containers found around your home, so extra care needs to be taken to remove containers and rubbish from around your house.
  • Keeping your lawns mowed.
  • Killing adult mosquitoes with insect surface spray—occasionally spray in dark hiding places, such as under furniture, inside cupboards and behind curtains.

Check the following areas around your home weekly for evidence of mosquitoes or mosquito larvae and tip out, wipe out, throw out or dry store items that can hold water.

  • Tip out, and wipe out any water from things like plastic containers, tarpaulins or buckets.
  • Store anything that can hold water undercover or in a dry place, including work equipment, surplus materials or trailers, and keep bins covered.
  • Throw out any rubbish lying around like unused or empty containers, tyres, additional materials and keep worksites tidy.

For further information please contact Environmental Health at WTA or visit the Queensland Health website.