Waste Management

Domestic and commercial waste collection

Weipa Town Authority (WTA) offers a twice-weekly waste collection service for all residential premises in Weipa.

Residents are requested to place their 240L mobile garbage bins on the kerbside by 6am each collection day. Please note that bins should not be placed within one metre of any other object.

Bin collections occur on the following days for residential premises:

Commercial waste collection

There are two waste collection options available to commercial businesses in Weipa.

  • Businesses can have their waste collected via 240L mobile garbage bins (as for residential premises). This is organised by WTA and charged through property rates.
  • Businesses can enter a private agreement with the waste contractor to supply and collect skip bins (of various sizes) from their premises. WTA is not involved in these private agreements.

Weipa Landfill

Weipa’s landfill facility on Kerr Point Drive is owned by Rio Tinto, and operated by a third party contractor; Remondis – 1300 660 453.

Note: The Weipa landfill is closed on Good Friday and Christmas Day. On these days, skip bins are provided at the gates for rubbish disposal.


Littering in our streets and waterways affects the quality of life for everyone who lives in Weipa. Please make sure you dispose of any domestic or commercial waste properly.

The Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 makes it an offence to litter from a motor vehicle, trailer or vessel. A Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) may be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Common types of littering activity include:

  • Cigarette butts, drink bottles and fast food packaging
  • Material that falls off a trailer because it was uncovered or poorly secured
  • Grass clippings swept into a gutter
  • Food scraps thrown into a garden or park
  • Fishing tackle
  • Items left beside an overflowing bin
  • Items left under your seat at a sports event
  • Household goods left on the footpath in the hope that someone else will take it (with the exception of WTA’s approved Cyclone Clean up Program)

Dangerous littering is litter that causes, or is likely to cause, harm to a person, property or the environment. This may include throwing a lit cigarette into bushland, leaving a hypodermic needle in a park, or smashing a glass bottle on the footpath.

To report a littering event from a vehicle go to the State Department of Environment and Science website. You will be required to provide the details on the incident that you witnessed including where and when it happened, the type of litter and most importantly the vehicle registration details.

Illegal dumping

Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of any type of domestic, commercial or industrial waste over 200 litres (about the volume of an average wheelie bin). Common types of illegal dumping include:

  • Household rubbish or garden waste being thrown over the back fence into parks or bushland
  • Household goods being left on the footpath with a free sign or left outside a charity bin or shop
  • Disposing of building waste (construction and demolition) in bins belonging to other businesses
  • Dropping off tyres, chemical drums and paint tins at roadside rest stops
  • Driving into bushland, national parks and council reserves and dumping asbestos.

Illegal dumping attracts fines issued as penalty infringement notices (PINs).

To report an Illegal dumping event you can either:

  • Complete the online report form. Ensure you take note of the following in order to report the event.

Vehicle or vessel's registration number, make and colour.

Pre Cyclone Clean Up

Each year Weipa Town Authority supports residents to clean up their gardens in preparation for the cyclone season by offering a kerb side pick up of garden waste and some other waste items. Details are advertised closer to the event. For Pre-Cyclone Clean up information please visit our Community Events Calendar.