National Water Week

Each year, a National Water Week theme is selected to engage and inspire the community, bringing water to the forefront of our minds as we focus on all involved with this precious resource.

National Water Week 2024

The 2024 National Water Week theme is Accelerating Action.

National water week 2024 poster

It serves as a powerful rally cry for our community to address water’s vital role in the current climate crisis. Together, we will spark a collective movement towards a sustainable water future, taking concrete steps to bring about enduring change.

#AcceleratingAction #NationalWaterWeek

Visit the National Water Week website for more information.


Competition Details

Calling all primarty school students! To celebrate National Water Week, Weipa Town Authority is hosting a water-themed competition and Weipa students are invited to submit their entry to win a prize:

Creatives must be submitted individually.

Entries close 4.30pm Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Each entry into the competition received a child pool access pass (valued at $4) Limit of one entry per child.

Click here(PDF, 146KB) to view the Terms and Condtions for this competition.


There are 4 categories to enter:

  • Prep
  • Year 1 & 2
  • Year 3 & 4
  • Year 5 & 6

Design a A3 poster on why water is important and what actions we can take to save water.

Winners will be chosen using the following criteria:

  • How well the poster conveys water-related issues relevant to Weipa
  • How well it can be reproduced to promote National Water Week
  • Appearance: attractively displayed in colour
  • How good it looks from a distance
  • Effective use of art materials
  • Originality of design or innovative concept


1 winner will be selected in each category:

  • 1st place: 1 x 3 month child pool pass (valued at $58)

Winners to be announced on Thursday 26 September 2024.