Coping with a heatwave
During summer our region can be affected by heatwaves, which are long periods of very hot weather, ranging from 37°C to 42°C. You can stay up to date with heatwave warnings by listening to information issued by the Bureau of Meteorology on tv or radio or by visiting their website.
Before and during a heatwave you should:
- Check your air-conditioner and fans are in working order
- Plan to spend time in a cool place eg. shopping centre or library
- Stay out of the heat
- Drink lots of water
- Dress in loose fitting, cool clothing
- Check on the elderly and neighbours who could be at risk during the heat
If you or anyone else show signs of heatstroke call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for advice or visit your doctor. If it is an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
To learn more about what to do in a heatwave visit the Queensland Health website.