Weipa Storm Surge Shelter

The Weipa Storm Surge Shelter (WSSS) provides a last-resort evacuation option for residents who are at risk of being affected by storm surge and have no other shelter arrangements. The WSSS has a maximum capacity of 800 pax and evacuees only have about one square metre of seating space and all belongings (food, water, medications and clothing) must fit in a small bag under a seat.

Who can access the WSSS?

The WSSS is opened to residents by invitation only. If there is a risk of storm surge in the area, the Weipa Local Disaster Management Group will identify residents who are at risk of inundation by using local storm tide maps. These residents will then be invited to utilise the shelter should they have no alternative shelter arrangements.

Will the WSSS open if there is a cyclone?

In most cases, the WSSS will not be activated in the event of a cyclone. All Weipa residents should have a household emergency plan, including evacuation and shelter considerations. Residents are encouraged to shelter in a safe and secure structure at home or with friends and family.

Consider your options carefully

When considering your evacuation options, please remember:

  • The WSSS is intended to be a short-term option (up to 18 hours) with only very basic amenities. Evacuees will only have about one square metre of seating space and all belongings (food, water, medications and clothing) must fit in a small bag under a seat.
  • There will be no cooking facilities available for use nor will any be allowed to be brought in. No food will be available and no pets will be permitted, for the safety of everyone inside.
  • Shelters are not pleasant places to be as they are usually cramped, uncomfortable, noisy and hot. Conditions can be compared to sitting on a domestic airline flight where you have little room to move and limited ability to walk around.
  • No alcohol, cigarettes or other prohibited items are permitted into the shelter and there is a strict code of conduct which must be complied with by all evacuees.
  • If everyone has the WSSS as their first option, it will fill quickly and leave other residents with nowhere to go. For this reason, all residents should carefully consider their options if they need to evacuate their home.